HighQ is pleased to announce the upgrade of Collaborate beta sandbox instance https://integrationbeta.highq.com/ to Collaborate 5.1 (Beta) our next Collaborate release. We are still in the process of upgrading our documentation for the API changes made in Collaborate 5.1 and will publish them soon. The purpose of the upgrade is to allow integrators to test their existing integrations with Collaborate 5.1. The API is backwards compatible so your integrations should continue to work without any change. Please comment on this blog post or raise a support ticket if your integration has any issues with Collaborate 5.1.

The platform team. 


  • Lisa Thompson Imran Aziz Hi both, Just checking on when this documentation will be released? Apologies if I have missed anything, but it has now nearly been two months since release. Last update from yourselves was 45 days ago.

  • Lisa Thompson Imran Aziz Hi both, Just checking on when this documentation will be released? Apologies if I have missed anything, but it has now nearly been two months since release. Last update from yourselves was 45 days ago.

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