Better resources on isheet alerter coding

The in-built isheet alerter function is really useful in situations where users don't want to receive daily/weekly scheduled summary emails rather than immediate alerts every time a thing happens. 

However, it's hard to find proper guidance on how to use and configure these alerts. These knowledge centre articles cover a lot of ground in regards to setting up alerts and adjusting frequency, but it would be great if this knowledge was more centralised and better connected. As an example, a lot of generally useful info about logical operators and conditions is found halfway down a page on date-based alerts. It's easy to imagine someone missing a key piece of information about setting up alerter conditions because they didn't manage to navigate to the correct place. 

With that in mind, can anyone recommend other resources or guides on setting up email alerts from a site admin/system admin perspective?

  •   ,

    In the old iSheet Reference Guide documentation is a section on Email Alerts and some examples on setting up these conditions (page 87).  It's old so won't cover newer field types (e.g. score) but may provide some expansion of core concepts that didn't make it across to the KB article you reference.

    There is also a section on date-based iSheet alerts and how to configure - page 93

    Hope this helps

    iSheets Reference Guide Aug2014.pdf

  • Hi there. This is specifically a feature on the Collaborate platform, relating to the iSheets module, which can be enabled in the options for isheet configuration. 


    I think this is a spam post, and I'd be very dubious about interacting with any of the "services" on offer:

    Above is the snapshot on the Internet Archive, I'd say my spider-sense is tingling Spider webSpy