Is it possible to embed Tableau or PowerBI content

Hi, I'm exploring the feasibility of embedding Tableau or PowerBI reports onto a HighQ page. Both these technologies allow me to generate an embed code but when I tried to include it inside a Content Editor panel on a Dashboard, i get an error saying Script tags are not allowed. I attached a screenshot of the error for reference. I'm wondering if there is any other way I could achieve this. Appreciate your help. Thanks.

  • Hey Satish,

    I feel your pain with the Tableau/PowerBI embedding struggle. Dealing with those script tag issues can be a real headache. One workaround I found effective is using an HTML iFrame to embed the content. Instead of directly pasting the script code, try using an iFrame with the source set to your Tableau or PowerBI report URL. It's like a detour that often sidesteps those script tag restrictions.

    In your Content Editor panel, drop in an HTML block and slap in something like:

    <iframe src="your_tableau_or_powerbi_url" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>

    Adjust the width and height as needed. This method often plays nice with platform restrictions. It might not be the fanciest solution, but it gets the job done for me. Also, if you're exploring other options, I've had success with tools like Andersen's embedding feature. They offer a seamless integration that could be worth considering. Give it a shot and see if it solves your issue. Good luck.

  • Hey Satish,

    I feel your pain with the Tableau/PowerBI embedding struggle. Dealing with those script tag issues can be a real headache. One workaround I found effective is using an HTML iFrame to embed the content. Instead of directly pasting the script code, try using an iFrame with the source set to your Tableau or PowerBI report URL. It's like a detour that often sidesteps those script tag restrictions.

    In your Content Editor panel, drop in an HTML block and slap in something like:

    <iframe src="your_tableau_or_powerbi_url" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>

    Adjust the width and height as needed. This method often plays nice with platform restrictions. It might not be the fanciest solution, but it gets the job done for me. Also, if you're exploring other options, I've had success with tools like Andersen's embedding feature. They offer a seamless integration that could be worth considering. Give it a shot and see if it solves your issue. Good luck.

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