Join Us for a Thomson Reuters HighQ 5.6 Webinar for Partners

Move your legal processes forward with Thomson Reuters HighQ 5.6

You’re invited to join us for a partner exclusive webinar on Thursday, September 30, as we showcase what’s new in HighQ 5.6.

The newest release builds upon its modern adaptable technology to further enable your firm to outperform clients’ expectations, simplify and boost firm-wide productivity, and confidently take on today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.

Webinar topics include:

·        What’s new in HighQ 5.6

·        Thomson Reuters Marketplace update

·        Search API introduction

·        New APIs / integration capabilities

·        Q&A

There is no registration required. Simply join us at 10:00 AM EST on September 30, by clicking the Join Webinar button below.


We hope to see you there!



  • The partner webinar recording has been uploaded and is available ":"blog","siteID":714,"contextID":7920}">here . Thank you

  • Is there a recording available yet of this?


  • It would be fab if you had a proper invite to the event. Sadly - this one will not add easily to a calendar. Will it be recorded? Is anyone answering these comments?

  • Imran Aziz Is it possible to send a normal invite to the webinar so I can forward this onto one of my colleagues.

  • Could you please post a proper meeting invite, so this can be easily forwarded to others who might be interested in attending?