The Webinar recording has been attached at the bottom of the page. 

Get More Value from Thomson Reuters HighQ with 5.7

You’re invited to join us for a partner-exclusive webinar on Wednesday, June 29, as we showcase what’s new in HighQ 5.7.


The newest release builds upon its modern adaptable technology to further enable your firm to outperform clients’ expectations, simplify and boost firm-wide productivity, and confidently take on today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.

Webinar topics include:

  • What’s new in HighQ 5.7
  • New Contract Lifecyle Management features
  • Platform enhancements
  • Q&A

There is no registration required. Simply join us at 10:00 AM CST on June 29, by clicking the Join Webinar button below.


We hope to see you there!


HighQ product team. 


  • Imran Aziz, please qualify your (comically vague) statement of "We will be deprecating the old API soon so please update your integrations to the latest version". Note: This was also requested previously above 19 days ago, with no response.

    What qualifies as "old API", and what are the timelines? Depending on the answer will depend on the level of effort required by us all to comply.

    You also stated in the latest partnar webinar (48:25) "We've been saying that for some time". Really? Did you create a blog post here stating your intentions, or roadmap? I've not seen that, nor "heard for some time" your plans to deprecate parts of the API.

  • Is it possible to get some details on the expected timing for the launch of service based authentication for the APIs?

  • What exactly do you mean when you say you will deprecate the old API soon? Does this mean all api versions below 14?

  • Yes we will make sure that the session is recorded and then shared in the developer community as we have done in the past.

  • Will the session be recorded for customers in a different time zone? Cheers, Lani