HighQ Developer Community Migration to Thomson Reuters Developer Portal

At Thomson Reuters, we strive to provide the best developer experience to our valued clients and partners. In our continued effort, we are migrating from our existing developer community to a central Thomson Reuters developer community to provide an integrated and richer experience to our integrators.  

The existing developer community content which is highly valued by our integrators will be migrated to the new developer community with improved quality of the content and a simpler getting started guide with code examples. In addition, as a TR-wide initiative, we plan to provide use case-focused guidelines to our integrators to have a simpler and more focused experience of using our APIs (Application Programming Interface).  

Plan for Migration (tentative dates)

June 02nd, 2023 

The developer community converted to read only  

  • Migration of users and content to the new TR (Thomson Reuters) community 

June 09th 2023 

  • HighQ dev community to confirm the accessibility of the new TR community  

  • Announcement and redirect to the new TR community  

Developer Community Migration Update June 12th, 2023: 

  • The content migration of the HighQ developer community to the TR developer community has been successfully completed, however we faced some delay with the migration of the user accounts to the TR developer community.  We will be providing the link to the new TR developer community once the user migration has been successfully completed, until then the current HighQ developer community will remain in read-only mode.  
  • Our sincere apologies for the delay in migration, we will provide an update as soon as the users have been migrated to the TR developer community.  

Developer Community Migration Update July 04th, 2023: 

  • The user migration is on-track to be completed by mid July. Once the user migration is successfully completed, all HighQ developer community users will be able to access the new Thomson Reuters Developer Portal. 


Developer Community Migration Update July 14th, 2023: 

  • Developer community migration is completed with all content and users.
  • Link for Thomson Reuters Developer Portal 
  • Sign in with your email address. Please note that you will need to reset password for the first access
  • For any issues in accessing the TR dev community then please contact DeveloperPortal-Support@thomson.com.