Documentation feedback required

We have been receiving feedback about our API documentation and we'd love to extend this opportunity to our Developer Community to hear your views too.  It would be great to hear what you think about:

  • layout
  • content
  • any other changes we need in our API documentation

We will then combine the feedback we receive to make using the API documentation easier for our Developer Community users. 

Thank you for contributing! 

  • Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member

    Thank you very much Mitch Grant. Yes the look and feel of Swagger is great and we should make our documentation easy to navigate and use in the same way. Good point re the comments too - we should definitely bear that in mind if and when we move things. Thank you again!

  • Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member

    Thank you very much Mitch Grant. Yes the look and feel of Swagger is great and we should make our documentation easy to navigate and use in the same way. Good point re the comments too - we should definitely bear that in mind if and when we move things. Thank you again!

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