Matter data bring pulled into HighQ

Good day all,

We use an appliance to bring in data from our database to HighQ lookup tables. For some reason recently the appliance has being failing, and has to be re-started.

It does work after restarting. Has anyone else experience this ?  and if so how did you correct this?



  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member


    Could you please let us know how you're exporting data from your database to HighQ? It'll help us to investigate further.


  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
    in reply to David Martinez

    Thanks, we're investigating it.

  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
    in reply to David Martinez


    If the HighQ Appliance is inaccessible, there are several possible resolutions.

    - Restart the service
    Use the Windows + R shortcut to open up Run
    Type 'Services.msc' and press Enter
    Find the 'HighQ Appliance Installer'
    Switch it to 'Automatic' if it isn't already
    Right click and select 'restart'
    Attempt to access the HighQ Appliance
    If it loads, log in with local credentials and perform a save/test Heartbeat in all applicable modules

    - Check Storage Space
    The Appliance will not be accessible if the Appliance server has run out of storage space. Check the drive that the Appliance is installed on (usually but not always the D drive) and verify that it is not full. If it is, delete old log files in the D://logs folder. Recommend to the client that they create some sort of process / job to clean out old log files.

    Hope this helps.
