Delete Attachments API?

Is there a HighQ API to delete attachments from an iSheet?

I can get and download an attachment using the attachment ID but cannot see how to delete it.

  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member


    Please use below endpoint to delete the file of Isheet.
    Module name: Document Resource APIs
    Endpoint: /{version}/files/{fileid}

    Kindly find below screenshot for your reference.

  • Thank for your help, but how do I get the fileid for an attachment? I can get the attachmentid from the iSheet api:


    but I cant see how to get fileids for attachments to be able to delete a specific attachment using /{version}/files/{fileid} api

  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
    in reply to Darren Chappell


    We're looking into it and will get back to you.


  • Reply
    • 0
      Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
      in reply to Darren Chappell


      We're looking into it and will get back to you.


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