Delete Attachments API?

Is there a HighQ API to delete attachments from an iSheet?

I can get and download an attachment using the attachment ID but cannot see how to delete it.

  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member


    Please use below endpoint to delete the file of Isheet.
    Module name: Document Resource APIs
    Endpoint: /{version}/files/{fileid}

    Kindly find below screenshot for your reference.

  • Thank for your help, but how do I get the fileid for an attachment? I can get the attachmentid from the iSheet api:


    but I cant see how to get fileids for attachments to be able to delete a specific attachment using /{version}/files/{fileid} api

  • Reply
    • Thank for your help, but how do I get the fileid for an attachment? I can get the attachmentid from the iSheet api:


      but I cant see how to get fileids for attachments to be able to delete a specific attachment using /{version}/files/{fileid} api

    • 0
      Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
      in reply to Darren Chappell


      We're looking into it and will get back to you.


  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
    in reply to Darren Chappell


    Currently, it is not available in the present version of the application. However, we are planning to include it in future updates. We will be sure to inform you once the feature is ready. We appreciate your understanding and patience.
