Site creation properties


Our sites have suddenly changed (?) 

The Matter No is now a tags field and I'm not able to set it when creating a site through the API.

In the docs it says it's a string in the site object?

  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member


    Could you please let us know the product, environment and the endpoint as well?

  • What do you mean? It's the site endpoint. Everything has been working fine until recently. Check your own documentation. As I said, the matterno property is not set anymore. And when I get the sites it is now an array of matterno objects instead of a plain string as it use to be. 

  • 0
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
    in reply to Morten Fahrnholz

    Hi, As per the swagger documentation of  "/{version}/sites" , This method supports multiple matter numbers to add into site using API version 10 on ward. "matternos" tag indicates multiple matter numbers with readonly or not. older version (less than 10 version) single matter number "matterno" will reflect the first matter number of existed multiple matter numbers in site.

    Please refer the below snapshot.

  • Thanks, I may have to enable the swagger site, it's quite confusing with the different developer pages around. Can you enable it ? Or should I write to the support team? 

  • +1
    Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters staff member
    in reply to Morten Fahrnholz

    Hi, We currently do not have the necessary privileges to enable Swagger. Could you please reach out to the support team ( for assistance.